Healing the Full Spectrum of You
Any change, for the better or worse, involves the totality of the person. And so healing must also access and interface with the incredible range and depth of our total being. The fastest way to change or improve our whole person, is through the most basic forces from which we are made: The 5 Elements of mind and body.
Dr Asa is a health consultant and medical intuitive with forty years of experience as a naturopathic doctor, master homeopath and bioenergy practitioner with vast in plumbing the mysteries of illness and health and finding powerful yet gentle solutions to these puzzles.
No matter what issues we are dealing with, the Healing Process has only five moving parts, five phases that usually have to be followed in sequence. Each is explained below.
Relieve suffering
Build your reserves
Build your reserves
Repair of Tissues
Clearing Causation
From cell, to organs and organ systems, the brilliant self-regulating body has powerful self-healing functions.
Our minds have tremendous potential for transformation, if the right conditions are available to let this happen.
Our health vitality, well-being, happiness and personal power are all interconnected, and span our mind, body and spirit.