Homeopathy: Medicine that Cures
Safer, Faster, Deeper
Homeopathy is the world’s safest medicine, with no toxicity and no side effects. But it is also the most versatile. Effective in a very broad range of conditions and causes, it can it can help the simplest conditions, and the most advanced, even changing scar tissue and bone spurs. It has deep psychological effects re-connecting an individual with their deepest nature and inherent power that has been lost and obscured; When it comes to psychological change and healing, homeopathy has no parallel in the medicinal world, for it actually liberates and transforms our patterns of feeling and thought:not just suppressing them, in the style of medical drugs. Dr Asa has 35 years of experience and success using homeopathy to treat the full range of physical and psychological problems that are part of the human condition.
There are different ways of applying this versatile form of medicine, and the four main categories of homeopathy are outlined below.
Acute Conditions
This original form of homeopathy uses a single remedy, exactly matched to the symptoms of the individual, with a view to stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanisms. Classically prescribed remedies used in both acute. for short-term problems, as well as chronic conditions, taken for prolonged periods of time.
But the key is discovering a remedy that is exactly the right match for the condition and the unique make up of the person who has it. Classic homeopathy is thus highly individualized, so that twenty different people treated for arthritis, for example, may need 20 quite different medicines. This is in keeping with how the body actually works, and how it actually heals. If it is a right match, the results are often stellar.
Chronic Conditions
Homeopathy can also profoundly change one’s underlying weaknesses and disease tendencies. To this end, a series of remedies is prescribed that perfectly match one’s metabolic type, psychological type, and unique individual qualities and core patterns:not just one’s disease symptoms. A singe remedy is used from the plant, mineral or animal kingdom, with gradual but deep and lasting results.
Homeopathy Heals the Mind
Archetypal homeopathy is a more advanced and subtle form of constitutional prescribing. With this approach, the practitioner must perceive the trends and direction in which the individual is evolving, and understand the basic struggles in the person’s innermost core. While many of the same remedies are used as in Constitutional homeopathy, they are directed towards the spiritual level. Here, ancient traumas, old karma, and blockages have become serious obstacles on the soul’s journey towards full self-discovery and awakening. This approach places much greater emphasis on our spiritual nature, motives and values, as well as the archetypal meaning of the remedy we need. For example,Horse’s Milk may be given to help liberate us from being held back. Diamond is used if we are a diamond in the rough. Pulsatilla:one of the first flowering plants:can help regain lost femininity. Rather than being facile or fanciful, this correspondence requires great perception and has profound transformative effects.