Energy Healing
The body is composed of physical structures and functional units of tissue, fluids and vessels. The complex structures that transport nutrients, digest food, eliminate wastes and transmit nerve impulses have been well studied by modern science. However, the body is also animated and directed by an equally complex system of flowing energy, channels and energetic centers. These are the real motive force behind all of our biological functioning, as well as our sensations, emotions, and even our thoughts. They precede, build and maintain all aspects of the physical organism and our psychological experience.
These energy systems were well known, not only by the ancients, but by every traditional healing system across the globe, right up to the advent of modern medicine. Unfortunately, our present system of pharmaceutical, profit-based chemical treatment has completely turned its back on the vibrant sources of wellness and harmony that permeate our body and mind. The reason for this are beyond the scope of this discussion, but it is important to note that even many forms of herbal and naturopathic medicine have been co-opted by the materialistic or "allopathic" model which only sees the body and mind as a material collection of chemicals and mechanical functions. Nothing could be further from the truth.
A medical intuitive is someone who has developed the skill and sensitivity to directly experience the inner "workings" of the individual's energy body. This provides access to a knowledge of where there are blockages in the flow of life energy, and where there are weaknesses, deficiencies and distortions in these various kinds of energies.
Quite naturally, many different systems of energy-work have evolved. Of course, the techniques are only as good as the practitioners themselves, and a long training and apprenticeship is required for real mastery of healing energies. The most effective kind of energy work is empathic healing, wherein the healer comes into direct resonance with the mind and body energies of the person to be healed.
This allows the practitioner to directly perceive what is taking place, and confirm or reveal underlying causes of physical problems or emotional issues.
Through this method, the areas of energy blockage, excess and deficiency are released. Old traumas are healed and negative patterns of illness are cleared. In thsi way the person basically heals themself, through the guidance of the practitioner.
Depending ones sensitivity, the person may directly feel the energy shifts and alternations taking place, or it may take a period of time until they notice the improvements in vitality, well-being, and symptom relief.